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1839 Sept: 6: continued. government; to be convened on the first Monday of October in each year.- A Sheriff shall be elected by qualified electors in each dis-trict, and hold office for two years, un-less removed for misconduct. Indictments shall conclude "against the peace & dignity of the Cherokee nation'. All writes & other pro-cess shall "not clear" " in respective l the name of the Cherokee na-tion" and fearest & be signed by the respective clerks.

The descendants of Cherokee men by all free women, ( except the African race,) whose parents may have been living together as man and wife, according to the customs and laws of the nation, shall be entitled to all the rights and priv-eleges of the Nation;- the same shall be the case with the posterity of Cherokee women by all free men; but no person of negro or mulatto parentage , on the side wither of father or mother, shall beeligible to any office of profit, honor or trust, under the Cherokee government. All free male citizens of eighteen may vote. The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and professions, from unreason-able seizures and searches and no warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things, shall issue, without describing them as nearly as possible, nor without good cause supported by oath or affirmation.- All persons shall be bailable by suf-ficient sureties, unless for cap-ital offences, when the proof is evident or the presumption great.- The lands of thr Chero-kee nation are common property; but the improvement made thereon, and in the profession