Kendall has a fine School as usual." It must be delightful to teach a New England School & to be in the Enjoyment of New England./ privileges. I thought of you All Thanksgiving a great deal. How did you Spend the day? I moped at home all day or thought sadly of the many happy returns of the day I had Enjoyed in Vermont.e.g. of the dear one, who are no longer inhabitants of Earth. It was a great and glorious idea that of all the States uniting upon one day, all if I am not mistaken, with the Exception of Vermont & South Carolina. Shame upon Vermont! Mr. Duke says that he shall write to you in a few weeks. he would have written long since I am sure had he anything definite to write. He says "That he hopes you will not enter into any nice arrangement before hearing from him." I know that a very fine School could be built up here. I like Owensboro very much & I think you would. There are some Charming people here--very fine young gentlemen, but some very pleasant young ladies & you know that you prize their Society--make then that of the ? desc. My own school
[top upside down] Excuse for a letter when I write again I will try to do better. Mr. Duke & I talk of going up