1839 Aug: 27. continued. conduct of the appellants. The Su-perintendant's request that the writers should use every exertion to preserve peace and harmony in the Cherokee nation, they declare to be in perfect consonance with their own feelings ;- that measures have already been adopted to secure that desirable result, and that they trust the amicable union which has been formed between the two branches of the Cherokee people,, will give perma-Nancy to the tranquility and prosperity of the country.
Aug: 28. A decree passed this day in National Convention at Tah-k_quak, and signed by George Lowry & forty one others, in behalf of and for the whole Chero-kee people, declares:- that, the decree of amnesty passed by the Cherokee people in national conven-tion at Illinois Camp Ground on the 7th day of July, and the term for deriving benefit from the humane & liberal provisions of which was afterwards indefinitely exten-ded;- not having been accepted by some of the persons affected by it, who, on the contrary, by their improper conduct, are endangering the peace of the country and threat-ening the lives of valuable citi-zens;- public notice is therefore given that all persons who intend to comply with its requisitions must do so on or before the fourth of Sep-tember, 1839; and that two persons shall be deputed to disrem-minate this notice throughout the country and if possible present it personally to all such as are in-terested that they may come forward in due season. Rep: Doc: No 2: 26th Cong: 1st sess. p: 405