I have thus far this year taught music alone, whether I teach anything else, will depend on the size of the school. I taught Latin part of a session last year, and French a short time, but in general I think there is much less interest taken in the languages in this country, than farther north. We have had a very mild Winter--so mild that flowers have been in blossom nearly the whole season. On the 26th there was something of a snowstorm--rare occurrence in this country, with very cold weather for the season. The present season of the year is, I think more pleasant than any other in this country, though st the North I prefer Autumn.
There will be a vacation in the school this year, commencing on the first of June and continuing three or four weeks. I have some idea of returning home at that time, yet I dare not think very much of it for fear of being disappointed. I am anxious t go this year, for a year and a half seems a long time to be absent from home. The schools in this country are I think as far as my experience goes, not usually as well conducted as at the North though there are some very flourishing schools in some sections of the country. I have scarcely paid any attention at all to the languages since I came South. I have so many other things to take up my time that I find very little leisure for studying them. I intend however as soon as I shall have leisure, to renew the study of them again as it is a study that I am very fond of, and would gladly devote considerable time to. I would be happy to hear from you and your sister whenever you find leisure to write. Much love to your sister Res-ly yours' C.S. Woodbury