Camden County October 9 1812 Dear Governor Since I wrote to you on the 3rd unclear I have received a letter from Colonel Smith of the 30th of September acquainting me with the necessity of his having fallen back to Mr. Hollingsworth on the St. Johns in order to preserve the detachment confided to his care, having but 70 men unclear for duty, and but two officers (unclear) he also mentions that he had received intelligence from Colonel Newman by unclear which states that Colonel Newman with 110 men were attacked by 120 Indians within seven miles of Lochaway on the 26th unclear, and that without a reinforcement he was unable to advance, or retreat without leaving his wounded to be sacraficed by the savages. Colonel smith does not mention unclear unclear but that Colonel Newman charged them repeatedly to succeeded in giving the savages a complete defeat. It however appears that the Indians under Payne met, and gave battle in the open woods in which Payne and 10 others were killed. The whites had one killed & 8 wounded, the savages having unclear unclear unclear