1793 W
7 mo 18 5 on the situation of Indian Affaris to the Southward, things
appear very Gloomy, he says in the year 1791, at the Treaty held by Governor Blunt on behalf of the United States, that said Blunt without the Indians Knowledge or Consent , inserted the privilege if a free Navigation up the Cherokee River, which they had an Objection to , and instead of a grant of Land 10 miles Square, it was inserted 40, and for a large tract of Land for which they asked 3000 Dollars per annum, he told them the matter should be represented to Congress, & made no doubt but an allowance would be made equal to their request, but at present he could go no farther than 2000, but inserted only 1000, and to carry on this villainy, the Interpreter received a Bribe of 80 Guineas, and afterwards far exceeded in their Survey, on which Occasion divers of them came to Philadelphia, to represent their Grievances to Govern meant, and received promises of redress, but contrary wise, several came over the Boundary of Blunts wonproposing? & built Mills & Fortifications on the Waters of the Jenesee that the Indians say Congress are liars,& Governor Blunt a Rogue, and that they had applied to the Spaniards, and received Assurance of a supply of necessaries, & have their Assistance, and it is supposed that Capt: Willbanks is now come to negociate a friendship with the Brittish, to protect the Indians from encroachments of the people of the United States, 4 O'Clock, agreeably to an Invitation, Joseph Moore William Savory, & I dined with Lieutenant John Savory, and were genteelly entertained, and to shew how these Table People live, I mention how the Table was spread at at Detroit, viz Fish, black bass & unclear, roast Beef, Detroit boiled Pork & cabbage Carrots, boiled Chickens, roast