13 based on the old terms of the one dish and one spoon, but with this difference, the hunting grounds should be bounded by a line from the mouth of little river called Cau, yau, kauh (Cah, yu, kah), into the Savannah River, and a-long the ridge dividing the waters of Little River from those of Savannah, to the marked tree; and the towns lying right and left of the designated line, should remain in possession of the respective parties; and the peace which was then re-established at this last meeting, has ever since remained firm between the two nations, and no doubt the Cowetas were the principal actors in re-establishing this peace, from which circumstance they have claimed the right to nominating a beloved mediating chief of this Nation, who are generally called Coweta Kings. Altho' the Cherokees were relieved rom the distress of the wars with the Creeks, but were by no means relived from the encursing (incursions) of the northen tribes- Nan, ta, wa, kees (Mohawks on Senecas) Shawnees, Yau, tan, naw, who begun the war with this nation- was several years before the peace that was made with the Creeks, and as the war with the northern tribes which are connected with other occurrences of the nation, will be related in the next number, yet it may not be amiss here to say [some]thing on the custom of war among the Cherokees, altho" well known such are the general custom among other red people, as burning their prisoners at the stake, if taken in warring against the nation, or immediate death; and such have been the practice among the Cherokees is certain, against their red enemies; but have never heard of an instant (instance) ofa white man been (being) brought to the stake in similar cases, and whether this custom had been observed among the ancestors before they emigrated into this country, or only been begun after this arrival here, by reasons of the repeated wars they had been engaged in is not known- and as to the adoption of prisoners into the family of their evaders (conquerors) which have been taken from their nation,