and apprehending the perpetrator, so as to deliver him over to the proper authorities, to be dealt with as the laws of the land direct. - As to the "other circumstances communicated to you, evincing a disposition on the part of the Cherokees, too hostile in its character," I should have been gratified had you stated the particulars in relation to them, that errors might have been unclear and misrepresentations contradicted, in order that the excited community should be better informed of the true character of the feelings of the Cherokees. For, upon the asseveration of a man of honor, I pledge you may character, and every thing that is forced, I know of no hostile feelings on the part of this, people towards the citizens of Tennessee; on the contrary, I believe and do know them to be perfectly pacific and friendly; - and I have ever been animated with the zeal of inculcating and unclear that good understanding and brotherly friendship which ought ever to exist between the,: and shall still be, exerted, so long as it can avail any thing, toward promoting this object; - and should it please the authorities of the general and state government to observe the like course of policy, I m convinced that it would not fail to unclear the bonds of friendship between the White and Red Men, whereby the narrow, contracted views and selfish interests of unclear individuals on both sides, so unbecoming an enlightened community, would some be dispelled. Be assured that prompt measures will be taken to detect and assertion the Cherokee who is reported to have shot Mr. Turk, and every possible means and to apprehend and deliver him over to the proper civil authority; and I have unclear issued instructions unclear - you shall not be disappointed in your expectations of my endeavors on this occasion. - In conclusion, permit me to remark in great unclear, that no apprehensions need be entertained by your Excellency for the safety of the boarder settlers from the Cherokees; and there is no occasion for organizing a corps of riflemen for any peaceful