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? Wastell Nov 2nd

Friday Oct 30th 1863.

It pours rain to day -- I went out in Virginia Carriage a little while -- then I took Sister Belle,s Carriage and went and paid some bills -- Sister Virginia & family took dinner with us. baby still had some croup. all the rest well.

Saturday Oct 31st

It is a very bright day -- all well I went in Sister Belle, s Carriage to see Mrs Hunt & Ma -- at three I took all four of my children and Sister Belle -- Sister Virginia & and their children to Mr Wastell,s dancing school -- there were many people there. my little ones deemed to be the favourites -- Mrs Steward just finished the childrens blue Merino dresses and ?,s they beautiful.

Sunday Nov 1st 1863.

It is again a fine day -- we all well -- I went to Christ Church with my little children. called to see Ma -- Sister Virginia & family took dinner with us. my children had some young beau,s to call on them --

Monday Nov 2nd

It looks like rain to day -- I went in Sister Belle,s Carriage visiting -- called on Mrs Capt Carter. Mrs Hopkins -- Mrs ? Carter. Mrs James Wilder Mrs Semple Mrs Quigley -- Children made some calls. returned home at three -- Mr Wastell gave Ada & Sheridan to day dancing lessons. he is learning Ada the rope dance -- Mrs Tuckers children & Mollie Van Buren took tea with us to night. after tea young Campbell & Charley Martin came in -- had a pleasant night.

Teusday Nov 3rd

It rains to day -- I went to see Mrs Page and do some shopping -- took early dinner with Ma -- Mr Wastell gave children their lessons -- Dora Coleman called to see us. So did Herman Newcomb -- after tea Brother David Virginia Mattie & James all came round -- and took us to the Catholic Fair -- Bell Eva & myself -- we stayed a little while -- then all went to the Theatre -- all of us very well -- Mrs Hutchings & children called to see me --

Wednesday Nov 4th

It is bright out -- looks like rain -- Mrs Bowles -- Lilly & Miss Shreve called to se us. Mrs James Trabue called and invited us all to a party at her house on Friday night -- Mr Wastell gave children their lesson -- Mrs Ed Wilder called -- so did Mrs Heywood -- after tea Mrs Jarvis & her children called to see us. we all well but Shreve -- he still has croup.