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District Convention at Kirkwood September 11-12 it was decided to hold our next meeting (which would be election of officers) September 9 and appoint delegates to convention. Bills as followed were allowed. 85 cents to Mrs. Lewis for ice. 7.10 to Mrs. Humphrey, 95 to Mrs. Cuerdon. Supplies for said 88 cents to Nellie Bolton for postage 33 - Miners work supplies 55- closed by repeating Lords Prayer. Nellie Bolton Secretary.

September 9th, 1902 meeting held at the home of Mrs. Sanders 6 members and 4 visitors. Song 143 President read the 22nd Psalm and offered prayer. song. When the roll is called. Report of Secretary was read and approved. No report from Cor. Secretary, Supt. LTL or Press Supl literature had used 400 pages literature. Treasurer paid $9.78 for supplies for social. 30 cents for last year dues. Now has $20.16 on hand. Unfinished business. Contest committee reported 6 contestants with prospects for one or 2 more. Selections had been given them. October 18 had been set for contest. Mrs. Cuerdon Mrs. Humphrey appoints to secure music and hall. Nellie and Mary Bolton. Judges Mrs. Elliott and family to arrange decorations. Mrs. Elliott, Thornber, and Mary Bolton delegates to District Convention at Kirkwood September 11-12. Mary Bolton an Mrs. Wolfenbarger delegates to state convention at Peoria September 26-29. Mrs. Humphrey and Nellie Bolton alternates. Decided to meet with Mrs. Hamma in two weeks if agreeable to her and in 4 weeks with Mrs. M. Horton. Motion carried that we send for $1.00 worth of Fair and LTL members of Union Signal for distribution. On suggestion of the Treasurer decided to present $1.00 to Sonora LTL in recognition of its tenth anniversary. New Business- election of officers by ballot. Mrs. Mapes and Miss Humphrey served as tellers. On nominating ballot or President. Mrs. Smith received 1 vote, Mrs. Humphrey on motion this was made the elective ballot and was declared President for the ensuing year. Cor Secretary Mrs. Hall received 1. Mrs. Elliott, Nellie Bolton 1, Mrs. Cuerdon 3- on motion this was made elective and as was that for Rec. Secretary Mrs. Elliott receiving 1, Mrs. Lewis 1, N. Bolton4. For Treasurer Miss