and intend to, but just when I cannot tell. I am making mittens at present, during week days I mean of course. and those must be finished before I take up any other work. I am such a rapid knitter, I think my mittens will be finished some time in '86. Then, if I am as long making the cover, you may look for it about the time you graduate. So you see how necessary it is for you to cultivate patience. I was glad to know that they missed me a little at home. but they must be getting over being lonesome for I haven't had a letter from there in over a week. Time for me to go back again - just to remind them of their loss. Did our snowstorm reach Clinton? Yesterday the ground was white, and it looks quite wintry yet. It seems early for winter we are hardly ready for it but I suppose we must take the weather as it comes. Now I must write a letter home. Trusting you will not get discouraged and