Brainerd L. N. June 17. Dear Madam. Miss Ames our teacher has inquired who of the scholars were here when you visited us. I told her I saw you and she says I may write. I am very little girl about ten years old. I have been writing only a few months. I cannot write very good yet I hope I shall write better the next time. I have writen to my parents to my Uncle and Aunt and my former teacher. These are all the I have ever writen. After you left us the scholars returned. In both schools there are fifty children. I hope you do remember me, when you was here I remember you but I did not know your name when you was present with us till Miss. Ames our teacher told me. I think you would like to know my studies they are bible reading history spelling definition writing. Some of the girls have been serious about there wicked hearts they have retired to there Chambers to pray to God and I fear that they dont pray as they did the first time though they go into there chambers yet. Some think that they have given there hearts to God and some of the boys think about God who created heaven and earth who formed the sea and made the great waters