Mr Faulds died 9 Teusday Feb 16, 1875. Louisville 14. Mr Badger Hunt and myself had the drawing room and had every comfort possible; spend a good and safe night and arrived at Indianapolis at four O,clock in the morning, remained in our car and at eight O,clock went into the Depot and took our breakfast. got again into the cars and travelled along delightfully, and arrived at my Fathers at two O,clock. Found all the family at home and surprised them very much as they did not expect us. took our dinner and sat down and chatted until our tea. Mr David Faulds has just returned from New York, where he has been for three weeks nursing his Father. who died last Tuesday aged 82. Wednesday Fab 17, 1875. It is beautiful and sunny weather here. but cold still there is no snow any where to be seen. all of us well. My Mother Father two Sisters and their five children are looking very well. Mrs Bolling called to see me. after dinner I went out driving with Mrs Shreve and her children Mr Badger went in the Carriage with Mattie and Octane. Hunt has received a number of Valentines. Thursdy Feb 18, 1875 This has been a sunny day, and not so cold. all of us well but Hunt has had a diarrhea for three days. I think it must be cold. My Father Mother Sisters and children are all in good health. Mrs Faulds my Sister will never be well. She had been an invalid for 23 years, but I think she feels better than she did one year ago. My Mother is feeble but not sick. My Father all right. Mrs Bolling called again to see me. We saw Dr. Scott, he called to see Mattie Faulds. I called on Mrs Charles Johnson but she was out. We the went riding. I wrote home to Belle & Eva and Hunt sent Valentines to little Mamie Leiter strikeout Altie Stone and baby Kearney. Mattie Belle played beautifully on the piano for us. She is gifted both vocally and instrumentally Friday Feb 19, 1875. This morning the ground was covered with snow but to night it is all gone. al of us well except Hunt but he is better with his diarrhea, Miss Lizzie Hunt called to see me Mr Hulece came to see Virginia who he is treating for internal troubles and I was very glad to see him. and he was glad to see Kermit and myself. after supper Mr Badger went to see Mrs A.D. Hunt and saw her. Sister Belle talks of letting Tom Shreve go home with us to Chicago