Nutsawi (of rinlog) says the older man he even said, who knew nothing about the whites told him that [goi?] man of wealth; and perceiving him to be lonesome because he was alone, [he?] took out of his side a [ribe?] of which he made a woman, to be his companion; and by these two the would was propited. Not long after the creation [godden?] [unclear] men to build high plaus, on which to evict houses of worship inwhere they might assemble for religious institution, and also to offer [sacrifices?], & [unclear] their [unclear]. On certain days they used to assemble in these places of worship early in the morning, when the priest would commence his talk. The people were all seated & observed perfect silence. No one [unclear] speak on make thee last noise while the priest was talking. About noon the priest generally became very much fatigued, but still continued his discourse till near sunset. The priest enforced obedience to god in every respect, telling the [proble?] they must do all that god has directed them, and never