if his Regimient?, made Capt. Amus? 10 Cav, a notoriously? incapable and inefficient officer, who has since been dismissed This lean? was granted by Genl. Shindari? and a farther extension, which had not been asked by Kidd, for reasons satisfactory to the General. His estimation of this officer was shown? however? by the fact that he never assigned him to a command in the field afterwards, but sent a senior? Captain of the regiment to take the battaline? thus left in an action campaign without a field officer owing? to this fact, the 4 companies were finally placed under Captain Pinrose? unclear unclear country? officer in an expedition which resulted in the unclear of nearly all of the horses and Equipments and an enormous expense to the government Gen Shindar? Cal Crosbym late A. D. C. Capt Bynre? 10 Cav- Lieut Myers 10 Cav- Lieut Myrick? 10. Cav. 5. After coming? at Fort Arhickle? and Fort Sill. J. Y. without a command, Mayor Kidd was ordered to Count supply J, Y, in 1869.