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Hannah 26. -- 29

Monday May 25th 1863

I received a letter from Mr Badger -- he is well, also one from home. Judge Maniere died on Saturday. our black woman Nancy sick to day. Ella & I went out shopping with Sheridan & Ada, did not return untill late -- was caught in the rain. bought myself and children buff calicoes, silk gloves and a blue spotted Lawn for myself. after Tea Frank Honore, came in and we played cards -- went with him to see Mrs? Gurnee, Ella stayed all night with me.

Teusday May 26th

It looks like rain -- baby had a severe fall out of his Crib -- on the top of his head. and to finish the incidents of the day Ada tossed up a China doll. which came down on his head Hannah came back this morning. I have a bad sorethroat. Ella went home at four O. clock. I wrote to Mr Badger and Virginia I was so sick at six that I had to go to bed, and send for the doctor. Eva has been for weeks having her front took tooth? straightened Henry Wheeler came to see me --

Wednesday May 27th

This is a bad day -- I suffered all night with my throat. Dr did not come -- Eva has bought a new ball. Mrs Dudley,s little girl fell into a well yesterday -- she was a beautiful two year old child her only daughter -- her husband was in New York at the time and she at the Tremont Hotel. it was very sad -- received a letter from Mr Badger -- he at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Mrs Flint & Lena came to see me -- also Mr Henning.

Thursday May 28th

It is a rainy day -- Dr Small came to see me -- and says I have congestion of the Tonsils. baby got another bad fall -- on the back of his head. but it dont seem to trouble him I am in bed. Mr & Mrs Perry called --

Friday May 29th

It has been raining all day -- Dr. called and I am so much better he will not come again -- Hannah gone to day to Bridgeport Ella & Ariana came to see me -- I am up and feel very well. I sent a regret to Fred Tuttle for Belle and Eva -- to his party. Vicksburgh not taken yet -- it is a fearful contest. there has been great rejoicing. cannon and rockets -- and flags flying in honor of its being taken by Federals. but so far they have not succeeded -- received a letter from Pauline in Switzerland --

Saturday May 30th

It rained nearly all day -- children at home playing -- received from home a Leghorn Cap for Sheridan -- a present from Virginia -- children went out after dinner -- my throat not well yet -- I am not out of my room. I received a letter from my husband -- all the children well -- Belle bought a ball--