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passed a creek on the S.S. and a unclear unclear on unclear called unclear about unclear unclear at the mouth of the river is a wintering camp of the unclear unclear about 60 Lodges, we unclear of the Souix indians on L.S. Capt Clark killed a deer & a unclear we Camped on the L.S. of pointe? the head of an Island.

Monday 8th oct 1804 we set off early a pleasant morning we passed a unclear on the S.S. called unclear proceeded on about 12 oclock we passed unclear unclear of unclear River we came to the unclear of an Island where one band of the unclear unclear camped above the Isl. on the S.S.

Tuesday 9th oct. 1804 a stormy day, we delayed here all day in order to counsel with this nation their is 2 french men lives with the natives the? all appear to us verry friendly

Wednesday 10th oct 1804 our officers held a counsel a counsel gave them some presents