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get well. I have not thought of her to day but that tears would fill my eyes and even now while i am writing I can scarce keep from crying. This early hour my Rosy died and thus for her I mourn. Perhaps you will laugh at me for what I have written. I cannot help it I have written as near as I could the state of my feelings If I should get me another dog I do not think I could love it as well as I did Rosy. I never mean to love any thing again as much as I did her for fear I should lose it Caroline has been taking Senna saltz to day as we were afraid this morning that she was going to have the Scarlet fever her flesh felt very hot and her throat was very sore but this afternoon she is quite smart and wants to count? every thing she sees. I have been working my bag today & Mama has been washing a few clothes which she has dried between the drops of rain. Mr Brisbon? has yet to do a little to our frame which he keeps putting off, he told Papa today he would positively have his front all done next week or he would not charge any thing for for putting on the eve gutters for which they have been drawing sawing and having on log. The folks are all abed and asleep except Papa Oliver & Myself. the first is sleeping in his chair which he generally does for half the night. the second is reading and I of course am writing so now Good Night 26th Today it has been quite pleasant and this evening it is delightful. The moon is shining brightly the insects and frogs toads etc? are singing so that it appears quite summerish, but pleasant evenings do not seem to do us as much good as they used to when we lived in Brooklyn and you and I used to run up to Aunt Eliza's Mrs Collins or somewhere else, but I will stop soliloquising and write the events of the day which has been one of misfortune to me. In the first place Papa woke me much earlier than common, to get his breakfast early which of course added not to my good nature. After breakfast Papa & Olliver went with the horses to the claim Mama went to clearing away Caroline to walking her someplace, and I to preparing my things which I should need next Monday morning to unknown