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...and see what a pleasant little room I have got, and how infantile I look in it, and what a good kind nurse I have, I know you would like her, she is always so cheerful and kind. Oh, Aaron, I do think that I should sometime be able to go home well and walk all around! How strange it will seem now won't it? I...believe you would hardly know me if I should some home now walking. But I suppose I shall shall have to wait a little while before I do that. I received this latter last evening. It cam just in time, as I have been rather...now during the day because it had been so long, as I thought, since I heard from home. Had it not been longer than normal? It seemed so to me, and I was almost afraid something was the matter. Tell Jenny that I am very glad to hear that she is better, I should think from her description that she must look...beautiful. A...eye! How pretty. I had a very pleasant visit from Cousin Thorman, although a very short one. If he had come five minutes later I should have lost his visit almost if not entirely, as I was just on the point of taking my bath which if I had taken would have made me unable to talk much if any for an hour or two and he only staid [sic] about an hour and a half. You must pardon me, dear Aaron, if I break off short here without telling you any thing interesting, and...as I am very tired. It tires me very much to write. I am getting along very well have my treatment.as well as I can expect. With much love, Sarah.