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This Indenture made the fifth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and in the Twelfth Year of the Independence of the United States of America Between Little Beard, Big Tree Nenuch caw we Spruce Carrier bonondedla Tyrnwaunyas Ockeawasha? and Cyandadges? chiefs of the Synace and Cayuga Nations living at the Geneceo Country of the one part and Benjamin unclear of York State Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hallenbach Obadiah Gore and Elijah Buck of Tyoga in the State of Pennsylvania and Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle? of York State of the other part Witnesseth that they the said Little Beard, Big, Tree Nenuch Cawwe Spruce Carrier Conondecta Tymuaunyas Ocheouwasha? and unclear for a Consideration of one thousand four hundred Dollars [string of symbols] unto them well and Truly in hand paid by the abovesaid Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle at and before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof they do hereby Acknowledge and Payment of the Yearly Rent hereafter Reserved and made payable Have and each of them Hath granted Bargained and said Released and Confirmed and by these presents do and each of them doth grant Bargain sell Release and Confirm unto the said Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle All that Tract of land beginning at a narrows about five miles above new town Breech? or bonnowlohana on the Tioga thence North forty five degrees east to the Top of the Mountain east of the said {Creech?]] thence east until it Strikes the Owego unclear dowry the Owego? to the Susquehanna river thence down the said until it Strikes the Pennsylvania line thence on said line to the Seventy Nine Mile stone from thence a northerly course to the place of Beginning Together with all the rights? Liberties Privileges Members Immunities Hunting Places and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To Have and to Hold the said Tract piece or parcel of Land and Hereditaments hereby granted or unclear to be granted with the Appurtenance unto the said Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle their heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle that their heirs and Assigns for ever as Tenants in Common Yielding and paying therefore unto the said Little Beard Big Tree Nenuch Cauwe Spruce Carrier Canondecta Tymwanyous Okeawasha? and Cyandododoges? their Successors or assigns for the use of the said Synakee and Cayaga Nations Yearly and every Year on the first day of May the rent of ten bags of Powder of twenty Weight each and four hundred Weight of Lead [symbols] if the same shall be demanded and the said little Beard Big Tree Nenuch Cawwe Spruce Carrier Conondecta Tymwanyous Okeawasha? and Cyandododoges? for themselves and their Successors and for the whole Synakee and Cayaga Nations do Covenant Promise grant and agree to and with the said Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle their heirs and assigns by these presents that they the said Benjamin Brideswell Simon Spalding John Shipard Matthias Hollenbach Obadiah Gore Elijah Buck Harris Jones Lawrence Temper? Joseph Smith Henry Temper? John Lambert Caleb Benton and John Bartle their heirs or assigns or some of them paying the said Yearly rent hereby Reserved in every year during said Term aforesaid shall or lawful may from time to time or may at all times hereafter during the term aforesaid fully peaceably and Quietly have hold use Occupy and possess and enjoy the said Tract piece or parcell of Land hereby granted with the Appurtenances and Receive and take the rents Issues and Profits thereof without the lawful unclear suit Trouble Hindrance Molestation or interuption of them the said Little Beard Big Tree Nenuch Cauwe Spruce Carrier Canondecta Tymwanyous Okeawasha? and Cyandododoges? or either of them or any of the Synakee and Cayaga Nations or any person lawfully claiming under them In Witness whereof we the said Little Beard Big Tree Nenuch Cauwe Spruce Carrier Canondecta Tymwanyous Okeawasha? and Cyandododoges? have hereunto set out hands and seals at Canadasago this fifth of March In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven Sealed and Delivered In the presence of us .... unclear the words unclear down the Owego were first underlined before execution John? Thomas Mich unclear Jonas Sutton

Tyrn ware his mark [symbol] ny as Ochea his mark [symbol] wash a Cyan unclear his mark [symbol] Do Dyes? Tom yo his mark [symbol] unclear [strip of paper with 4 diamond shapes woven into document] Littel his mark [drawing of beaver?] Beard Thiam do his mark [drawing of bird] unclear Nenuch his mark [symbol] Cawwe unclear his mark [symbol] unclear Canon unclear his mark [drawing] unclear [strip of paper with 4 diamond shapes woven into document]

Ayer N. A. unclear 404 unclear