or, warriors of the nation; but on the present occasion when their existence as a nation depends on their ability to carry the laws into effect, the chiefs assembled unanimously agreed that E,tall,wau, white towns should be classed as Warriors, 6th. O,cfus,kee & its villages Sooc,he,ah New,yau,cau, Im,mook,fau, Took,au,bat,che tal,lau,hassee, Took,to,cau,gee, Au,che,nau, Ulgau, O,cfus,coo,che, and E,pe,sau,gee. For this town & its villages they appointed Hopoie tus,tun,nug,gee of Oc,fus,kee & Tal,lo,wau thlucco tus,tun,nug,gee. 7th. O,che,au,po,fau and Tus,kee,gee. For these two towns they appointed Ho,po,ithle,Ho,poie. 8th. Tal,e,see, Aut,tos,see, Foosce,hat,che? and Cuo,luo,me?. For these four towns they appointed Foosce,hat,che? tus,tun,nug,gee of Tal,e,see and Eu,fau,lau Tus,tun,nug,gee of Fooscehatche. 9th. Hook,choi,off,che, Coo,sau,dee, E,cun,cha-te, Foo,wos,sau pou,woc,te & At,tau,gee. For these towns & villages they appointed Ho,ith,le poie Haujo & Tus,tun,nuc, Hau,jo of Hook,choie,oo,che. *6 & 8 are Etall,wau or White Towns.