W.C.T.U. met August 21 with Mrs. Lewis. 10 active, 2 honorary members present. also 5 visitors. Meeting called to order by President. Singing Stand Up for Jesus. Scripture lesson and prayer. Song 151. Roll Call. Minutes of August 7 read and on motion accepted. Cor. Sec. had received blank for her yearly report. Treasurer reported $5 paid for contest expenses, etc. $25.46 remaining in Treasury. LTL Supt reported 3 members preparing for contest. This provoked a discussion in regard to rights of committee whether or not it could hold a contest without consulting Union. The talk was declared out of order. Contest Committee then reported date etc. of contest (August 27) at LDS Church for the LTL. Supt literature 4553 pages given last year. 5 letters written. $1.28 expended. Flower Mission Supt. 49 (54) bouquets. She also mentioned the death of Mrs. Dye at Rutland Illinois. Supt was instructed to arrange and send a message and token of sympathy to the family. Motion that we hold a memorial meeting. Canfield. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Wolfenbarger, Mrs. Cuerdon appointed to make arrangements for sames. New Business meeting in 4 weeks with Mrs. Cuerdon next meeting to be election. Committee had prepared program. Supt. F.M. presented a bill for 40 cents for supplies allowed on motion. The question of having a picnic was brought up and was favored by majority, on motion the committee of 3 (before mentioned) asked to plan the same. mrs. Hudson agreed to consult with Nauvoo Union and unite with us on that occasion Mrs. H and Mrs. B [?] gave us a few words of warning and cheer a rising vote of thanks was tendered them for their kindly words. Closed with song and repetition of the Lord's Prayer N.B. Secretary Sept. 4 Annual election was held in connection with our regular meeting. At the home of Mrs Hamma 3 visitors, 12 members present Opening Hym 84 President, Secretary Treasurer, superintendents of Flower Mission, S.S. Work, LTL