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Monday 16th 1863.

This is a beautiful day. I went down town with Ada to Mr Gards -- and had her Photograph taken -- then went shopping untill late -- Belle & Eva went to Nellie Clyde,s to a party -- Mrs James Miller called

Teusday March 17th

It was very sunny early this morning -- but it now rains -- there had been nearly all day a large procession parading up and down the Avenue -- celebrating St Patricks day -- the rain fell on them all the time -- after tea we played cards.

Wednesday March 18th

I rose early -- beautiful day -- took Sheridan and went to Photographic Office. Sheridan stood well -- hope to get a good picture -- Mrs Winston & Mrs Sharp. called to see me -- we played cards after tea --Mrs Billings called also Miss Patrick --

Thursday March 19th

This is a cloudy day -- Mrs Steele Mrs Cunnnghame & Miss Mack called -- we all well -- received letters from home -- confirming the illness of Mr?s T T. Shreve by Brother inlaw with Erysipelus -- has two Physicians -- face in a dreadful condition -- James Faulds my little Nephew broke out on Monday with Scarlet fever that is very bad on account of his Ma assisting in Nursing Mr s? Shreve My Mother is taking care of him -- little Mattie his Sister -- who has Spine disease -- has sore throat -- but not the fever yet -- I am troubled at the news

Friday March 20th 1863.

It snowed, blew, and hailed last night -- and this morning there was on the ground about 2 inches of snow -- and it blows violently -- rains and sleet -- but children would go to school -- I have been busy all day Sewing -- this afternoon I wrote to our French girl in Switzerland -- received a letter from home -- brother Shreve still very ill -- little Nephew Faulds quite sick with Scarlet fever -- Mr Badger reading to night one of Dickens stories for me and the children -- we all well --

Saturday March 21st

This is a gloomy day -- raining and snowing a little -- cutting out work. we all well -- children making candy -- Ella Walker and Gussie Stone here with them --

Sunday March 22nd

It rained early this morning, I went to Church -- with Mr Badger Father Badger came home with me -- I wrote home to Pa and Sister Belle -- Brackett and Albert Badger here -- Mr Badger went after dinner to his Fathers -- I received letters from home stating Mr Shreve a little better -- but my Nephew Jamie very sick with scarlet fever -- also their little black girl Kate with it -- my baby getting his first double teeth -- he is very well -- and keeps his immense weight -- of thirty pounds --