Mount Zion (?) Jan. 12 - 1861 John Howard Payne Esq. Dear Sir, in compliance with your request, I will [cut off] Divine and, attempt to give you a brief view of my proceedings and sentiments relative to the noted mission any question [cut off] first, in the fore front of the battle , you [cut off] perceive a mission, any meeting at [cut off] Eihoter, for the (?) of making [cut off] statements, and (?) certain [cut off] concerning the Cherokees. [cut off] mission (?) generally were not won [cut off] relative to the propriety of (?) such meeting, or the expediency of [crossed out] [cut off] such resolutions. If Cavnel [Cut off] knew nothing of this less or more, twill we received letters from (?) Worrester saying that he [cut off] author and by the cov. seeing to call the [cut off] together to make certain sentiments and relative to the (?)