To all people to whom these presents shall come, [Greetings?]. know ye that there's the general assembly of the Governor and company of the state of Connecticut holden at Hartford by adjournment on the tenth day of January 1782 made [of?] passed the following resolve unclear unclear. As a general assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut holden at Hartford by adjournment on the tenth day of January 1782. Upon the [solision?] of [Chauneey?] unclear of Middletown in the county of Hartford administrator on the confiscated estate of James [Jauneey?] of the city of New York unclear to this assembly that said [Jauneyy?] having large demands upon Joshua Chandler late of unclear New Haven now with the enemies of the united states. [said?] [Jauneey?] made a full settlement with said Chandler of all demands of that sundry. Notes given by Chandler to said [Jauneey?] to the amount of about 1500 [pounds?]- Lawful money in to the hands of Charles [chauncey?] of New Haven in New Haven county to deliver up to said Chandler upon said Chandler's conveying to said [Jauneey?] two pieces of land in the [Larish?] of Meridan and town of Wallingford lately belonging to Yale Bishop of Wallingford being about eighty eight unclear. And also one other piece in said Wallingford containing about thirty unclear lately belonging to Benjamin [Bulver?] which pieces of land it was agreed between said [Jauneey?] [to?] chandler should be in full of said notes. And said Chandler on the 5th day of March [1779?] made and executed to said Charles [Chauneey?] his certain bond for the sum of 40,000 [pounds?] lawful money for the benefit of said [Jauneey?] conditioned that if said Chandler his heirs or assigns should be by a good authentic Deed convey to said [Chauneey?] his heirs and assigns three certain pieces of land in the township of Wallingford two pieces in the Parish of Meridan commonly called the Stone House, one piece containing eighty acres and the other about eight being the whole he bought Yale Bishop by a deed worded Lib-18th-Fol-69 unclear being had. Also the other of said peices which unclear in the old society being the homestead bought of Benjamin [Culver?] containing about thirty acres with all the buildings thereon which land bought of said [Culver?] is bounded and described in said deed worded lib-16th-fol-221 reference thereto being had which deed was to be with [coven?] and of warranty unclear said bond to be void as by said bond appears. which said bond never having been paid.