From the colour of the earth in places, there must be iron ore. The streams from the glades form fine little creeks, branches of Tallapoosa; - the land on their borders broken, stiff, stoney, & richm affording fine mill seats, & on the whole a country where the Indians might have desireable settlements. The path from E,tow,woh to Hill,au,bee passes through these galdes. 6th. E,pe,sau,gee. This village is on a large creek, which gives name to it, and enters Tal,la,poosa opposite O,cfus,kee. The creek has its source in the ridge dividing the waters of this river from Chat,to,ho,che: it is 30 yards wiede & has a rocky bottom. They have 40 settlers in the village, who have fenced their fields this season for the benefit of their stock; and they has all of them cattle, hogs & horses. They have some good land on the creek, but generally