For Sore Fingers Ends Take hony and wheatflower, make therof a plaister lay it on the fingers ends It will doe good, and make the nails to grow [?] fairre
for Skabbie jhands Take the juice of Celendine and red nettles [?] May Butter and Wax, Mingle it Wel, and anoynt the hands whole _______________ To slay a sheplouse in ones earre Take the juice of hemlok into the earre _____________ For a sealdhed. Bray whik mallowes and [?] of red docks not May butter and anoynt the [?] _____________ To know the dropsey If one be first Swoln in his fest and differ if daw opnards It is the hot dropsey. If it begin in the face and fu downward, the cold dropsey ____________________________ For one that [?] Dip 5 Sage leaves in mustard, lay them under his tong, closing his mouth agayn This will cause him to speak; except death be upon him. ______________