to? all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting unclear. Know ye that we the Subscribers and sealers to these Presents all of the Town of Norwalk & Danbury in the County of Fairfield within her majesties Colony of Consetico? in New England. For Divers? good Causes and Considerations us moveing, Hath Remissed, Releassed and forever quit Claimed; and by these presents, for our selves and for our heirs Do fully, clearly and absolutely Remise release and forever quit Claim, unto John Bolden, Samuell Keelerson unclear, Matthew Seamer, Matthias Saint John Junir, James Brocon?, Benjamin Wilson Benjamin Hecock, Samuel Saint John, Joseph Keeler, Samuell Smith, Samuell Keeler Junir, Jonathan Rockwell, Joseph Whitne, Thomas Hyat, James Bonnodick, Joseph Crampton Matthew Saint John, Daniell Olmsted, Richard Olmsted, John Stirdevant Jonathan Stevens all of the Town of Norwalk aforesaid, and Thomas Smith, Thomas Canfield Samuell Smith and Ebenezer Smith of the Town of Milford in unclear County of Newhaven and Colony aforesaid. In their full and peaceable possession and unclear, and to their heirs and assigns? forever, all such Right Estate Title Interest and Demand whatsoever as We? the said subscribers unclear. had or ought to have of in or to any part of a Certain Percell? pf Lands Lately Purchased of Catonah Sachem of unclear Indians and his asociates as by Deed of sale Bearing Date?