June, Thursday, 18. 1863. Pleasant day. No firing heard to-day from Vicksburg-no boats and no news. All quiet during the day. Deserter came in this morning. Had Battalion drill in the afternoon Dr. [unclear] is quite sick. Col Young called on us at night. I rode around a part of the picket lines. Friday 19 Nothing new to day- Everything quiet_ very little firing in the direction of Vicksburg A few boats went down in the morning with troops__ no boats landed during the day__ Had Battalion drill in afternoon__ Am anxious to hear from Vicksburg for the crisis must be never at hand. Saturday 20 Very warm to day__ Working in the [unclear] Rec'd a letter from Sherman__ Col Shepherd came with his boat just at night. Heavy firing heard at Vicksburg today. Firing very rapid for awhile__ no [important?] news from any quarter __ Spent the day sleeping eating and reading The Drs all sick and good many officers.