The Shirts I sent you before were 1s 4? each I now send you 5 Do. at 14/6 per Shirt 3.12.6
4 Do. at 16/ per Shirt 3. 4. 0 1 Do. at 14/ 14 7.10. 6
Sir I find it difficult to procure Shirts at the price you allowed me, Common Checke? is 6/ per yd. you must raise your Arres? or I can procure none, in gracers are busey? in purchasing Butter and Cheese, and in fact every article, if I can Serve you in procuring any thing you want I shall be glad to do it. you will inform me what to do by the Bearer I am Sir your humble Servt. Olivr. Stanley Wallingford 28th July 1777 To Mr. Chauncey Whittelsey P.S. People have worn but little of their Check Cloth as yet