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After the employers have everything including our Sunday pants they say "boys, let's arbitrate".They are past masters: a few greasey words from them and a double chin assilates on labors breast. There are among those men who draw fortunes from six or seven corporatons. In other words they are doing the grabbing for six or seven and the percentage of unemployed grabbers here is 6 tol that isn't fair. How many billions those employers weebont of prodnetion of labor is still a mystery after all these years. I'll give you a conservative figure: forty billion dollars ($40,000,000,000.) a year. Seems to me that is pretty heavy cream and leaves but little blweish milk for labor in the bottom of the bottle. Aw, government, come and tell us the precise amount our forty-thousand thieves get away with and shall we arbiatrate the matter? Would you arbitrate wit thieves for carlar'e. I'd walk; if they have my taek, ain't going no place nohow (Moral:always use earlare before not after). Verdiets always are according to usages of parasitism (nothing there to arbitrate except the verdiet)