Fort Concho Sept. 17th 1876 My Dear Alice In the mail yesterday I received one letter, which I laid aside a a kind "tit bit" to read, devour, and smack my lips over at leisure after disposing of all other mail matter. The letter seemed to possess a generous fullness and my expectations and anticipations for enjoyment were at fever heat as I tore open the envelop and cocked my feet up Yankee or Hoosier fashion on the desk. It is just barely possible that you can imagine my sudden disgust when I found that the letter instead of being from you as I had felt confident proved to be a long printed circular or report of committee of the ((Ladies?)) Union Mission School Association on Christian work at the Military Posts on Western frontier - gotten up at Albany N.Y. and to which was added a written letter from one
(marginal note:) I had my hair cut a few days ago and herein enclose a lock of my hair for ((Fuller?)) I would have sent it sooner but forgot all about it and only remembered the matter when being sheared or shorn. We are having cool pleasant weather and think that the warm weather is over for this year. It is much pleasanter for ((unclear - because of ink blot several words)) my own quarters thence at a neighbors as heretofore. Yours etc. B.H.G.