There's a thing they call conjecture That has niether form or texture And its siren song is ever strong To Rid the Boys along And we follow its reflection... Let's get this right: The Esquimos have landed in Long Island. Oh my garsh! We must blow up the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, the Williamsburg Bridge, the Queenhare Bridge, the Fri-Bore-Bridge and ran the East River into the
Subway Tunnels - oh, my garsh!- to keep the Esqui-
pos from taking Wall St or grabbing off the Rowery Oh, my garsh! And the Esquimos send their "dipsydodivers" (stookers) and blast the living Jesusout of the Washington Bridge and North River Ferries we can't retreat. The hell we can't, we can cross the Harlem River and go into The Bronx... oh yes that Whitestone Bridge came down too. But before we go lets check.up a bit: That was our property we helped the Esquimos destroy. Dammit I'm getting mad, yes by g'hod, im getting real hostile, we went and destroyed our own property in cahoots with the invading Esquimos and they have us a boost toward the poor house by junking our best bridge into Jersey and sinking all these Jersey Central, service Ferries, darn the luck! I make a motion this war be moved to Labrador I wonder why Herr Hitler left England to get its "needings" last? That's easy (the principle is) "the further a hawq runs the faster it goes." - then comes Canada. Still think capitalism is worth defending?