Florence Hilton, neice of A.G. Badger, died at unclear clock this afternoon
Monday, June 24, 1901
Today is very warm, but a lovely breeze. at One O clock, we had several peals of thunder but no rain, but down town they had rain and thunder, I telephoned unclear, he said all were well, he thought Mr. Swearinger would go to Louisville to night, we have not been out to day. All are well but me, my cough still holds on, I am still with my daughter Mrs Henry, but will return to Kemilworth to morrow. Things have changed, and we will not go at once to Kenilworth, unclear Florence Hilton, daughter of the late Mr John, G, Hilton, and Licinia E. Hilton, and neice of A.G. Badger dies at O clock at Oak Park. at the Home pf her sister Mrs Harvey Booth her mother was with herall the time, and her unclear Ella Wanger, and some other relatives, and a faithful nurse, she has been complaining for several years, herMother Mrs Hilton is very feeble, last evening we had a thunder shower, Two Henry boys gone out to swim, Mr Shreve Badger went to Green Bay last night for a few days.