
From Newberry Transcribe
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"Hammer and tongs" is destined to be the fashion of the future more so than hammer and seythe. Seythe is definately a toot of the past even so as a "headhog's" torch. Nowdays, if one wants to perpetrate agriculture, he needs a hammer, chisel, monkey wrench, crowbar and a can of grease- yes and a piece of haywire. (I don't know what he would do with a seythe except clean his pipe or open a can of sardines)- This is an Industrial Age- I mention this because maybe some of the comrades have not noticed it- and we are to all intents and purposes Industrial Workers, on the ground floor. Seythe then is a throwback to the good old days, that never shall come again, when we were on our knees "pointing" a blade of grass. (Then there was the cradle and cradler of the buckwheat days.) That all seems O so long ago- but never again; subject only to storms at sea, earthquakes and volcanos. Let us not consider them because they aren't going to be; anymore so than the seythe. Reaction cannot prosper. Return and rejuvenation of the prodical simply isn't. If it is, rejuvenation is not needed and return kills him. It's not a success. We Must Go Ahead or Not at All. Farmer is not an industrial worker anymore so than a buttonhook is a doorkey. He makes his living not by selling labor power but by selling soybeans and cows milk. He is also an employer. But a farmer need not feel discouraged he can always organize his agricultural corporation and prosper until such a time as this damnable system is discarded.