Only 24 new miles of railroad was laid in 1933--1,876 miles of old road was scrapped.- We'll never get to first base that way!
It is said the first lady is trekking perilously close to the footsteps of Grape-Juice Bryon.- They are her feet, and if I kind of look after my own stinkers, will be doing her, Bill Rogers and the country a favor. Nevertheless, as the lugubrious Daily News truthfully groans, "Beer is not a formal drink". (Neither is it a formidable one.)- As to wine, I think it best when on the vine -- assorted. Therefor; I make a motion the man with the shotgun be abolished from the grape-patch north of Stockton, Cal.-- he's always on the wrong end of the field. Summons: years ago a cop used to drag us mile and half to the lockup. Now a judge sends us a perfumed note, "come up and see me sometime."-