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Once more the horrors of Indian warfare agitate our borders the shrill war whoop is heard and the agonizing cry of women and children spring? in our ears what horror what agony of soul must those tender mothers have felt when they saw the uplifted tomahawk fall upon the heads of their innocent children expecting every moment to be the next victim. In vain did they cry for mercy in vain did they beseech in the most humiliating and affecting manner for the lives ? Alas! they knelt to savages whose hearts were hard and whose minds were prejudiced and whose ruling passion is deep revenge barbarous unfeeling savages - we cannot in our hearts exercise charity for the degraded race of human beings when we contemplate such acts of cruelty our hearts shrink with horror from the bare idea of a savage and we involuntarily refuse to acknowledge them as fellow creatures - Yet when our reasons get the better of our indignation we find that the savages deserves and demands our charity as a fellow moral and immortal he deserves it - and as civilized and enlightened neighbors enjoying