page is creased: To all Christian People to whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Robert Culver of Roxberry In the County of Moris in the West. unclear: Jensyes? for the Consideration of the sum of four pounds Lawfull money Received to my full Satisfaction of Seth Wetmore Esqr of Middleton In the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticutt In Newengland Do Give Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the said Wetmore his hiers and assigns one Seventh part of a Right of Land In the Township of Middleton aforsaid that strikethrough: unclear formerly Belonged to the Hiers of Sarah Insign being a Twenty Six pound Right that I Bought of my Father John Culver and Sarah his Wife of Roxberry aforsaid which said Sarah was one of the Children and hiers of the said Sarah Insign alias Sarah Long