Mrs T.W. Harvey has moved into a beautiful house 5810 Monroe. Tuesday, May 28, 1901 Today is beautiful sunny and cool. We are all well, our second girl has quincy still in bed. Ada received a letter from Miss Belle Houston and one from Mr Swearingen. I have written a letter to Mrs Shreve, and one to Mrs Frank Tuttle of Sympathy and one to Mrs Fran Avery of Sympathy on the death of Mr Thomas M. Avery. Ada has been at home making a white silk dressing sack. Miss Mullen is still sewing for Frances. We have much to do this coming month in getting Ada's trousseau ready for August. She has kept her engagement quiet, as there was a death in the family of Mr. Swearingen his only Brother died and not very long ago he lost his two only sisters Mrs Curd, and Mrs. Swearingen, A young lady daughter. They also lost the wife of Mr Embry Swearingen she left a young boy and girl, and Mrs Curd left two girls, one is now grown and going to be married this month to Mr Cowan her Uncles death has made them recall invitations