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To all Christian people to Whome these presents shall come—Greeting Know yea that I Joseph Omstead of Farmington In the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticutt New England yeoman for the Consideration of a valuable Sum of money to me in hand paid by Seth Wetmore of middleton In the County & Colony aforsaid have given Granted Bargained ? Conveyed and Confirmed unto the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns forever one half parts of all my Right Tytle Estate Interest and Demand whatsoever that I have or aught or in Time being shall have In middleton aforsaid for that I am the only Child and Son of mehetable Warner Daughter to Robert Warner formerly of Said Middleton, Deceased, To have and to hold the above Granted and Bargained Premises with the appurtunances unto him the Said Seth Wetmore his hiers