18 retribution from too many {at whose hands they have deserved other things] but now both the chtian Indians and all that favor ym are enimies to the english & ought to bee proceded against accordingly if som men might have had yr will, so great was the rage & unreasonable priudice of many at this time. It might rationaly have beene considered that those two persons above named who had one of them for about 20 yeares & the other above 30 yeares] been aquainted with & coversant among these chtian inidians should have more knowledge & experience of them, then others had, and consequently should bee able to speake "concerning" crossed out more particularly concerning such of those Indians whome they knew [according to A judgment of Charity] to bee honest & pious persons, And if at such a time they should have been wholy silent & remisse in giveing a modest testimony, concerning them, when called thereunto God might justly have chardged it upon them