Mrs T.W. Harvey - will return home at noon from Lake Forest Mrs Embry, Swearingen will also come in from Lake Forest -
Monday, July 27, 1903
So far the day is beautiful, but cloudy, with a good breeze we are all well, Mr A.C. Badger has gone to North Western to meet Mrs Harvey and Mrs Swearingen. I think Mrs Swearingen will leave to night for Louisville. Mr & Mrs Mason have gone out house hunting. I talked on the phone to Mrs Wendell. She says that Mrs Aunt Hattie Wendell, and Louise are at Riverside for a few days. Octavius Badger who is bookeeper at A.S. Badger, (and half brother of A.C.B, has been suffering for sometime with grip, is looking very badly, his family are worried about him, his family will soon come to Chicago to live in Evanston, opposite their son David ? Badger. Mrs Swearingen took Luncheon to day with Mrs R.L. Henry, she intended to remain a week with her Aunt Mrs Henry, but her husband could not stay, so she returned to Louisville, having enjoyed her visit immensely. and it did her a great deal of good, she and Mr Swearingen, are having a second honeymoon all to themselves. in their large and handsome home.