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translate by 7/13/2017 Julianne Riceputo DeNicola

Asazel, Raphan, Oberian

By the virtue of these holy names Ioth +Theos+Agla+ Ozam+Deus+Eloy by 3

The Sea heard and reformed back and parting The Ark was fixed and set The Earth reemerging The fever was quenched and All powers sang Arks's call and the restore call did quake and swore and rumbled and by these holy names of God On + Ahoba+Omaya+El+Elobim+Soter+Emanuel+Sabaoto+Alonay+Eggo+Yaya+Yoye+Kings are consecrated.

(Image of sigil sword) Salomon always used a consecrated sword in the calling of Spirits, In the Ark of God the golden king was borne. By the holy name of God echoed and virtue of thee and all that were with him were preserved.

Translation by Stacey Storer 7/19/2017 21:21

Comments: Although this page is found in the Book of Magical Charms, I was surprised to discover what I believe to be a re-telling of three Biblical stories: Exodus and the Parting of the Red Sea; Solomon’s Pillar (which marks the spot where Moses and the Israelite crossed); and Noah’s Ark.

First story (Exodus & Parting of the Red Sea) What is written on the page: By the virtue of these holy names, Josh, Theos, Agla, Ozam, Deus, and Eloy, the sea started and returned back, and gave way, the air was fixed and set, the earth trembled, the fear was quenched, and all powers both celestial and terrestrial did quake and were troubled. And by these holy names, On, Alpha and Omega, EL, Elohim, Soter, Emanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, Egge, Yaya, Yoye all things are consecrated.

Translation: (+ = and or comma) By the virtue of these holy Hebrew names which mean “God” (Josh, Theos, Agla, Ozam, Deus, and Eloy) the sea started moving, pulled back, and parted; the air was still, the earth trembled, there was no longer any fear, as all powers both in heaven and on earth did move because they were troubled by the persecution of God’s chosen people. And by these holy names which mean “God” (On, Alpha and Omega, EL, Elohim, Soter, Emanuel, Sabaoth, Adonay, Egge, Yaya, Yoye) all things are holy.

References: Josh/Joshua : c. 13th century bc, Israelite leader who succeeded Moses and led his people into the Promised Land. Theos: meaning “God, the Creator and owner of all things” (Jn 1:3; Gen 1 - 3). Agla/Olga: Hebrew meaning “holy”. Ozam/Azam: Hebrew meaning “greatest” Deus: Latin for “God” Eloy: Literal meaning is “God”; from “God, oh God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Noh/Noah/Noach: Hebrew for “rest or comfort”. With Noah, God entered into a covenant (promise or marriage) of deliverance from the threatened deluge (flood). He was accordingly commanded to build an ark (Genesis 6:14-16 ) On/One: possible meaning “the one true God” Alpha & Omega: meaning “God” or Latin for “the beginning and the end” El: Hebrew meaning “God” Elohim: Hebrew for “God of the Israelite” Soter: Greek for “savior” or “God” Emanuel: Hebrew for “God with us” and in the Old Testament “Messiah” Sabaoth: Latin and Greek, from Hebrew ç'bāōth. A word translated in English in the Old Testament by the phrase "the Lord of Hosts," but originally left untranslated in the New Testament and in the "Te Deum" in the designation Lord of Sabaoth; often confused with sabbath. Adonay: (Judaism) meaning “God” Egge/Egg: The egg itself, like the seed, is a symbol of the potential of life. Back in ancient times the egg was a symbol of the universe and creation. In Jewish tradition it symbolizes promise. In Christian tradition it is a metaphor for resurrection, immortality, and the trinity. Yaya: Greek for “woman” or “creator”. Similar to Hebrew “Yahweh”, which means “God”. Yoye: meaning “peace” (origin unknown). Similar to Hebrew “Yahweh”, which means “God”

Second story (Solomon’s Pillar)

<image on page>: Solomon’s Pillar, which honors “The Parting of the Red Sea” event.

What is written on the page: Salomon always versed a consecrated sword in the calling of spirits. Translation: Solomon always said to speak “the Word of God” when praying for God’s help. Reference: “The name Solomon means ‘peace or rest’, which is associated with Solomon during his reign in order that he might build the Temple [including the pillars named Jachin (truth) and Boas (strength) which honor the Exodus/Parting of the Red Sea event] (I Kings v.4, Ecclesiasticus Xlvii. 13). It is evident that warlike words were ascribed to Jesus not because he said them, but to adapt him to the ‘Word’ as described in the ‘Wisdom of Solomon’: While all things were in quiet silence…thine Almighty Word leaped down from heaven, out of thy royal thrown as a fierce man of war…and brought thine unfeigned Commandment as a sharp sword. This fierce metaphor was caught up and spiritualized in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and passed on to be literalized for the ‘risen Christ’, so that the consecration of the sword by the Prince of Peace is writ large in the Christian wars of many centuries.” (Conway, 1899, p.185).

Conway, M.D. (1899). Solomon and solomonic literature. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company.

Third story (Noah’s Ark) What is written on the page: In the Ark of God the golden Ring was born. By the holy name Celeo and virtue of Noe and all that were with him were preserved. Translation: In the story of Noah’s Ark, God made a solemn vow (a promise or covenant, as in marriage). By the holy name of God, and the virtue of Noah, mankind was saved from the flood and would never be destroyed by a flood again.


“I promise every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never again be destroyed by a flood… the rainbow will be the sign of that solemn promise.” (Genesis 9: 8-12).

Celeo: meaning “creation or creator”. In Hebrew, it means measuring (to judge), beneficence (with kindness), and intelligence.