On my return from the commencement I wrote Col. unclear the result of our deliberations upon the subject by him referred to us; but have rec'd no answer. I am extremely glad however to see in the unclear, that his name is withdrawn, because I should most certainly have voted for him, altho I know it would have been a vote thrown away, at a time when I am fearful we shall have none to spare. My expectations are much higher than they were when I saw you at Athens. The unclear members and Hall will I think be elected. The Genl has spent this week in Jackson where he has endeavored to rally all the old Georgians in the cause of the major-- I believe with no great effect. I am dear sir your friend etc Wm H Crawford P.S. I will write you immediately after the election. I am very doubtful whether it will be in my power to visit Milledgeville before I set out for Washington. Pray make my best respects to Mrs. Mitchell W H C