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Monday Dec 23rd 1861. The ground is thickly covered with snow - it in some places must be five or six inches deep - after breakfast I went with Belle down shopping - bought some china dolls stocking for children - children invited this afternoon from four until nine to Mrs M. O. Walkers children's party - Belle rode home in Mr. S. B. Walkers sleigh - I never saw so many sleighs passing there are hundreds of them - Sister Kilton & Brother John also Florence Alice & Aunt Ella came to see us. Ella Walker & Amelia Mathers came to say good Bye to children. Mr. Thomas here fixing Magic Lantern with Mr. Badger. Belle gone with her Father at five O clock to see them rehearse for Christmas festival at Church - I have made a beautiful white velvet Hat for Mattie Shrene - I got Mrs. Hopson to make one just like it for Ada & Thomas Shrene, baby's cough so bad that we cannot get off to night - received a party invitation from Emily Gilman for thursday night for a childrens party - Mifs King is to be married to night - I cannot go.

Teusday Dec 24th 1861. It looks gloomy to day - threatens more snow - I sent a bundle of old clothes to the Unitarian church for the poor children to night they are to have their Christmas festival to night. Belle & Eve gone down town. Children better today. At four OClock I went shopping & returned home late - Bell & Eve & Eddie Cutts went to see Tom Thumb - they were much pleased - I saw his little Carriage driven by driver and footman in livery with white wigs - two little brown ponies - at 7 O'clock went to the Church festival with children. Belle & Eva took part in the Fairy scene - everything passed off very pleasantly - I came home and hid? up all the toys and sweet things for the children's Christmas - their stockings were well filled.

Wednesday Dec 25th 1861. This is a bright sunny day - ground full of snow - large number of sleighs passing all the time - children woke up delighted with their gifts - Ada received a number of presents. I gave her a sett of white Furrs - her Father gave her a beautiful white velvet Turban Hat - her sisters gave her a sett of painted cups & saucers and box of Purmitune?? servants gave her money - a stocking full of candies & Oranges. Ma & Sister Virginia send many things. Ma sent a box filled with smoked & fresh tongues. ham canned peaches tomato Ketchup - Pa sent candies & nuts. Ma sent Portfolio's dolls and gold lockets also note paper Envelopes. Virginia sent beautiful swiss shirts to children books and dogs birds & geese - David sent to Belle & Eva to large Music Books filled with bound Music with their names on it. Illegible also received presents from them - Sister Belle sent Ada a splendid white Merino trimmed with red ribbon flannels - dolls. blocks. Worsted caps. gloves & scarfs - Many little gifts besides - this afternoon Mr Badger Belle & Eva are going to Father Badgers to supper. Mr Badger not free of his cold yet. We are all home to night - received a letter from Siss - I gave Servants money for their gift.