Her friends have not yet arrived. We expected them certainly on Saturday evening, and now fear that the telegraphic dispatch did not reach them. Mr. Hawks has gone to Springfield today to communicate with them by telegraph and ascertain whether they wish he remains to be brought home or not. You know Miss Scott did not go home last vacation and was designing to go Friday morning with her sister and of course anticipated a very happy time. About half an hour before she was going to start, Miss Hops expressed a wish that Miss Scott might be with her all the time, so Miss Scott relinquished the pleasure of going home and with Gertrude most of the time until she died. She could not be easy unless Miss S. was by her side night and day. Miss Stout has not yet left, perhaps she will go tomorrow though I do not know. She said Friday morn. that she was not going till Sat. or Mon. morn. and that is all I know about it. I am a little impatient to get your letter, at least I will be it it does not come. Tuesday night. O, Jennie, you dont know what a nice time we are having. We can rest just well for ought I can see as if we were at home. I took her breakfast to her yesterday and this morning. Miss Jessup has the care of us, and the girls all say why how good Miss Jessup is. Friday evening at supper table, after the rest had gone, she talked to us a little and said that she hoped we would have a happy vacation and a profitable one. She thought we ought to rest a great deal take a good deal of time to sleep &c and for the general good we would have a few regulations, and they would ask us every morning at table a few questions. The items are these "Tardy in returning." She hoped more would retire late, we might us sleep as long as we wished in the morning if we were only present in season at the breakfast table, which is at 7 o'clock. "Tardy at, and absent from table'" "Tardy at & absent from domestic work." This was very important in order to have every thing done pleasantly and nicely. She hoped that every thing would be nicely prepared for the table &c and we would all endeavor to see how well we could get along and in order that we may have some time alone, morning and evening, we need not enter rooms from 15 minutes before breakfast till unclear (see first page)