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341 penciled at top. Again, page is bisected longitudinally with Indian script on left side and Jews script on right side but not labeled as such Indian side At the same time (i.e. of the flood) the water gushed out of the ground, so that as much came up, as came down from the clouds. Nutsawi. also Natchez Indians

While the son of God was on the mountain, after he had given the law, commanded them to sing the hymns or prayers which they use mornings & evenings, at the same time they do sing them vir. at day break in the morning, and before going to sleep at night. Thomas Smith _________________ The first command given to our first parents, was handed down verbally, but men becoming wicked, and killing one another lost this command. God, therefore, gave new commandments to the Indians, while they were in the wilderness, and marked them on a long smooth stone, & gave them to their leader on the mountain. Nutsawi

Jews side "The fountains of the great deep were broken up" (Gen. 7:11.) The waters that were sunk into the earth, and kept in store houses there, (Ps. 33:7) gushed out in mighty torrents, etc. Bishop Orton. _______________ They were bound by their traditions, to repeat their Phylactery sentences every morning between the dawn and sun rising, and every evening between the time that the priests went in to eat their offerings, and the end of the first watch. Brown vol. 1. P. 226, + _________________ The moral law (was) clearly revealed to our first parents, but became obscured through the prevalence of sin, (and therefore) was promulgated anew from Mount Sinai. Brown, vol. 2. P. 50 _________________- + Brown's JewishAntiquities