Stuck in the center of an Irish face And pushed forward with more ease than grace. But I'd better stop this kind of fooling - or you may think my love for you is cooling - Yet my dear - I'll Swear in prose and rhyme - That I love you "bully" all the time. But I said I'd stop & stop I will - For this Sheet too, I soon will fill - And leave no space to say goodnight or for morning a few words to write - Therefore good night my love good night - don't think me drunk or even "tight" - I'm "hunky Dora" - still all right - Tho' rather Sad & lonely, quite. Good night my love goodnight - Good, bad indifferent or unruly I am my love yours Ever Truly - Love to Louisa - and the Children three Yours faithfully & Entirely - B.H.G.