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employing a Capital of about four thousand dollars to start on, He proposes? have this in connection with the mill, & have me take charge of it, offers to furnish me house to live in and half the net proceeds unsure from. from Store & Mill. The mill is in good order & is now turning out one hundred BBls? per day, & as much wheat on hand as can be ground in twelve months. One third of the take would amt to at least four hundred Barrels which present prospects? indicate will be worth from seven to eight dollars per BBl. Thus there is the Bran & Shorts & Hogs? in connection with the mill, which will amt to several hundred dollars which I would share eaqually with him. Eight thousand dollars would seem to be a low estimate for the amt of goods sold yearly, on which a net profit could probaly be realized of twenty-five per unsure. If any losses occur I shall not have to share them, but will have to pay for use of Dwelling, store & ware house, & mill five