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business has been somewhat complicated, and I scarcely know what course to unclear I am sure that I want to unclear the course that God would have me. I have light in regard to what is duty in many other things, but in regard to this I have but little. So far as going to the mines? is concerned I have regarded it from the begining as a desperate alternate? for me, though at living I have felt as if I ought to go Your last letter has made me feel more unlike going than ever, yet I am willing to go if it is best. If I am to be Standered? & abused just because some are displeased? do it. I would rather face it & live it down, however long it might take to do it, than to run from it. I will stale? try in a thing, that has presented itself to me here in unclear in the shape? of unclear and which should conclude to engage in will allow me time to fill all my appointments on the work till conference. After which time if I continued in it, I would necessarily have to locate for once year. unclear who owns one third of the Flouring Mill here wishes to start a dry goods Establishment